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We are going thru life on autopilot following the so called “rules” of life – going to school, getting a job and getting married – without asking ourselves, ” what exactly do I want for my life?”

Everyday we are waking up with the same habits and actions that have caused us to get in a rut.

Many of these habits are causing us mental, physical and financial stress…and we are slowly dying because of it.

We do it because this is what is normal; our parents did it and their parents did it. The truth is, times have changed dramatically.

Some of these rules or beliefs have served us well, while others no longer serve us in this day and age.


Live with Intention


In his book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg provides massive research and gives deep insight regarding our habits and how to make change. 

Now is the time to start living with intention.

We must stop eating foods that are zapping our energy and causing us to gain weight.

We must stop buying things that we think will bring us happiness but instead only push us further into debt and ultimately delay our financial goals.

Helping others is fine, however, we must stop doing for others when we know we are not meeting our own needs.

Continued behavior patterns like the ones mentioned above can lead to a host of issues later in life, including regret, resentment and depression.

Take Inventory, Then Action

What do you want in life?  Where and how do you see yourself in 2-5 years?  What are you going to do daily, weekly, monthly or yearly to make progress toward that 2-5 year goal?

What easy task that you know you could or should be doing that will make a change in your life? Do what you can? Do the best you can?

What is your philosophy or attitude toward change?

How do you feel about the past? Let the past act as a school master teaching you which actions hurt you and those that help you to improve.

Remember, if we take hesitant steps during this process it stalls our future.

Living with intention requires us to actively monitor our lives eliminating anything and anyone that causes us to fall back into a rut.

Don’t Stop Living…Before You Stop Living!