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Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path

The Subtle Art of Being Selfish (TSAoBS) is all about committing to yourself.

TSAoBS is NOT about being selfish or narcissistic. It is not about denying help or having a lack of empathy toward others.

Rather, TSAoBS is an awareness campaign to remind you that when you put yourself first you are not only developing the best relationship with yourself, but also fostering better relationships with those you take care of and interact with.

Helping others is a natural human response when you have compassion, but what about compassion toward yourself?

Too many of us are going through life on auto-pilot – adapting to our environments, following traditions that no longer serve or help us and dealing with stressful situations on a daily basis.  We are unknowingly deteriorating our physical and mental health which ultimately affects our happiness and purpose in life.

We go to jobs we don’t like, stay in relationships that tear us apart physically and mentally and get involved with people who are magnets for negativity.  We tell ourselves that “one day” we will make a change, but we never do.

By using mindfulness and through #Self-Love we can reclaim our mental, physical and spiritual self – Mind, Body and Spirit. 

#Self-love is about taking the time to evaluate where you are in life so that you can draw on your own strengths and not rely solely on people or things to bring you happiness.  Taking care of your essential needs will help you regain control of your life, define your purpose in life and direct your own path toward happiness.

This is a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for humanity:  We can’t go on living life on auto-pilot and remaining in a reactive state; we can and must choose to be proactive, directing and taking control of our lives.

Your happiness begins with YOU!

Be bold and take the journey of change.  Turn your “one day” into “TODAY!”  


Become the best version of you…

If we’re saying what you’re thinking, stay connected with us.