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Life has no remote; You have to get up and change it yourself!

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Before launching a Space Shuttle into orbit,  NASA has to create enough energy to move the shuttle from the launching pad and into the air and further into the orbit. Once the shuttle is in orbit the energy required to launch it is no longer needed. The shuttle can now use less energy while maintaining momentum toward its destination.
Like the Space Shuttle, if we are to make change in our lives we must first put forth the initial energy required to start us on our journey toward our destination or goal.  Once we break through the barriers of resistance we can decrease some of the energy that was required to get us started.


What are the steps necessary to tackle weight lost?


When deciding to tackle weight lost and take control of your health, the first thing that needs to happen is a Mindshift.  You need to get F.E.D. Up and say enough is enough! When we’re F.E.D. Up, we no longer believe in self-sabotaging behavior or habits that help create the situations we are currently regretting.

F.E.D. Up is an acronym and principle which means to apply Focus. Execution. and Discipline to achieve any goal we set for ourselves in life.

Losing weight requires us to become F.E.D. Up.

  • Deciding you will cut out those foods that add to your weight gain, and no longer visit those fast food restaurants that serve mostly processed foods is how you Focus.
  • Deciding to evaluate your eating habits and create or follow a meal plan, is how you Execute.
  •  Discipline in sticking with your meal plan, is how you reach your goal of becoming healthier and happier.

If you want to lose weight, do this: Get moving!

Find some space on the floor in your home; grab a yoga mat and kettle bells or dumbbells and use a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout for the next month. Once you begin to master those exercises with good form, increase your reps or move on to a more advanced HIIT workout. Want to add resistance bands – grab these.  If you require more resistance and or a challenge – grab these.  The latter bands are some of the thickest strongest bands I’ve ever used.  You can purchase a single band, a pack of 3, 4 or 5 for varying degrees of resistance.  Also, these bands are excellent for beginners or those of you looking to increase your pull-ups!
Go outside or go to the gym.  Get some comfortable clothing, sneakers, grab a pedometer to track your steps. If you’re just starting out, shoot for a daily target of 8000 steps working your way up to 10,000 or more. Grab this fanny pack to hold your valuables on your person as opposed to leaving them in the locker room when going to the gym. Don’t forget your water bottle and gloves.

Follow a meal plan.  You can download one here.

Remember to be patient with yourself whenever you start anything new.  Our brains want to protect us and so it will make several attempts to return us back to our old self, along with the old habits which present the least amount of resistance.  Like any muscle, resistance is required for growth, our brains are no different.  Forming a new habit will take time for your brain to adjust.  You will eventually build up the mental fortitude to reach your goal as long as you remain F.E.D. Up!
If you know someone that can benefit from this article please share this with them on your social media. Be well.
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