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Upon entering a plane and settling into your seat, you are given instructions by the flight crew before takeoff. As part of the instructions you are told that, “Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss, oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose.” This mask is said to be the first thing you should put on before anything else, including attempting to help another person.

Why do airlines feel the need to stress and emphasize putting your mask on first?

If you decide not to heed these instructions the consequences can mean the difference between life and death. Without the mask you slowly begin to lose oxygen which causes you to lose the ability to recognize faces and shapes and eventually you pass out. How helpful can you be if you can’t breathe and become unconscious – not helpful at all. oxygen-mask-self-loveSo how should you react if you are in the care of someone during the emergency who can’t fend for themselves? A small child? The husband and wife? or the elderly?  It’s quite clear – PUT YOUR MASK ON FIRST! You will be capable of focusing (pun intended) and taking better care of others, especially those you love.

The same applies to our daily lives.  We are taking on so much and doing so much for others but are neglecting ourselves.  We feel as though there is not enough time in the day to get things done. The truth is, we are not prioritizing our needs and wants. If we plan on being helpful to our family, friends or society, let’s make sure we have enough oxygen to save ourselves and then help others.

We must become more self aware and get out of the vicious cycle of just going thru the motions – just surviving – but not thriving. Living life as Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog day.  If we are to stop this cycle and make change, we have to start doing things differently to bring about change – just like in the movie.