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Neglect: Are You The Sacrificial Lamb?

Neglect: Are You The Sacrificial Lamb?

stressed man As a modern society we have so many things vying for our attention. 

Whether its work, relationships, kids, parents or social media – people and things are always chipping away at our time.  This time lost has resulted in neglect.

Neglect is subtle, and when left unchanged, slowly hurts and even kills many people.  We must stop this NOW!

What is Neglect?

Neglect can be defined as the result of carelessness, indifference, or unwillingness.  Neglect can also mean the failure to care for properly (verb) or the state or fact of being uncared for (noun).  

How does this happen? Neglect

creeps into our lives daily as we

consistently put off our basic

human needs. 

We will make necessary sacrifices for those we love or care for, but won’t do the things necessary to nurture and grow ourselves.  When we put our needs and wants on the back burner we effectively deny ourselves self-love.  This is not as honorable as some may think and in the long run hurts those we love.

In relationships we sacrifice for our spouses; as parents we sacrifice for our children, despite the children being independent; we sacrifice our time with our spouses and children for our aging parents; and finally, as employees we sacrifice our time, energy, our peace of mind and even our health for our employers or our businesses.

hand stretching





Many are unknowingly walking around with anxiety and depression and don’t even know it!

Neglect shows up in many areas of our lives.  It shows in the way we treat ourselves; what we eat; what we tell ourselves regarding the relationships we have; our attitudes; our appearance and even in our beliefs.

The vicious cycle of neglect, where we tell ourselves “one day” we will do what we really want, has to end.  Such neglect examples include statements like:

“One day” we will start our diet or make that lifestyle change.

“One day” we will take time for ourselves and go on that vacation.

“One day” we will get the job we desire or start working that business idea.

Time is precious, and neglect steals time away from us and stops us from achieving the happiness we deserve.

The truth is we can’t keep telling ourselves that we are happy taking care of others while we drown in our own emotions due to neglect. Everyone wants and should experience life at its optimal level. The only way we can begin to see change is if we start taking better care of ourselves, by putting us first!

Better care of ourselves means better care for those we love.

We are more in control of our lives than we think.  It is within our own power and in our own best interest to take immediate action now and turn the neglectful saying of “one day” into a prosperous “TODAY!